[one feeding left]
I'm working on upping his intake, he's supposed to be up to 3cc by like the end of next week, and down to 4 feedings (that'd be even easier on my schedule). He's growing nice and big, getting furred and everything. I have some pics I'll share at hte end of this update. I need to add some more hindmilk into his supply. I express in the morning so I get all foremilk, I need to start adding some hindmilk after R feeds. I can see the difference in his poops, they get foamy just like R's do when she gets alot of fore. I need to go read some more on what I need to start doing for Doug, my guess is he's close to 3 weeks now, so in another few weeks his eyes will be opening and I need to be prepared for that. I can see the slit deepening so I know it's coming soon. It's kinda exciting in a nerve racking sort of way. Once his eyes open... oh boy. I better have a cage ready for him. I'm hoping he'll be big enough to fit in the crate, but I'll probably need to line it with NICs. Crap, he's a chewer too, which means he'd chew the zip ties... Hmmm...
OK, picture time.

You're doing fantastic Windy... he's certainly darkening up. But he's still super tiny huh? I still can't help think he's only about a week old tho.